About Doros Theodorou
Doros Theodorou is Professor of Chemical Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens, Greece (NTUA). He holds a Diploma from NTUA (1982), and M.S. (1983) and Ph.D. (1985) degrees from MIT. He has served as professor at the Universities of California, Berkeley (1986-1995) and Patras (1991-2002) and associated faculty at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, FORTH/ICE-HT in Patras and NCSR “Demokritos” in Athens. His research focuses on the development of new computational techniques for understanding and predicting properties of materials based on their chemical constitution, with emphasis on polymers,amphiphiles, and nanoporous materials. He has authored and co-authored 198 research papers, 32 chapters in books and review articles, and the books Simulation Methods for Polymers with M.J. Kotelyanskii and Diffusion in Nanoporous Solids with J. Kärger D. Ruthven. He represented Greece to the mobility of researchers program of the European Union (1995-2004), has served as member of Panels PE8 and PE11 of the European Research Council (2015-2022) and member of the National Council of Research, Technology, and Innovation of Greece (2010-2013, 2020-). He is also Vice President of the Bodossaki Foundation.